Hey friend, Rachel here 👋🏻

I’m here to help you launch your site confidently

I’m so excited you’re here because that means you’re about to launch an amazing new website.

I know launching can feel overwhelming, but that’s why I created the Launch Hub — to guide you step-by-step and make everything as stress-free as possible.

Below, you’ll find an overview of this page. To get the most out of your template, follow the steps in the order they appear.

Remember, you’re not alone in this. I’m here to support you if you get stuck, need some extra guidance, or just want a pep talk. You can message me any time.

Ready to get started? Ok, let’s dive in!

☕ Grab your favorite drink (or 2 if you’re anything like me!)

🎵 Put on a fun playlist (I
made this one just for you)

⏲ If you’re prone to hyperfocus, you might find it helpful to set a timer to remind you to take regular breaks (I love the pomodoro method).

A quick note on how to

Navigate this page

At any point while navigating this page, click the hamburger icon in the top right hand corner to access the in-page menu. You can also jump right back up here to this section at any time which will allow you to see this overview.

01. Installation

Everything you need to know about installing your template
and getting started.

02. Content Prep

Learn how to make the most out
of your new template and set yourself up for success online.

03. Showit 101

Get to know Showit so you feel confident using the builder, and learn how to customize your site.

4. Customization

All of the info you need to start bringing your new website to life and make it feel like *you*.

05. Pre-Launch Checks

How to check your site and get everything ready before you launch it to the world.

06. Launch

Follow these steps to connect
your domain to and get ready to hit publish on your new site!

01 — Installation

Step 01

Install your template

Before you do anything else, let’s jump right in and get your new template installed!


Sign up for Showit

If you don’t have an account already, head to Showit and choose a plan. Click this link to get your first month free on me!


Copy your design key

Next, head to your purchase confirmation and copy your unique design key to your clipboard ready for the next step.


Install your design

If this is your first time using Showit, log in at app.showit.com and click on ‘Your Designs’ in the top right corner, then click on ‘Add Design to Library’ and paste in your design key.

If you’ve used Showit before, log in to your account and click on any of the designs in your account, then click your name in the bottom left corner and select “Add to Library”.

Here are some more instructions if you need a visual.

That’s it, your new template has been installed! Scroll on for your next steps 👇🏻

02 — Content Prep

Step 02

Prepare your content

A great website starts with preparation. This is where you’ll learn how to make the most out of your new template and really set yourself up for success online.

First things first

You’ll want to start by finding somewhere you can organize all of your content into folders. I love using Google Drive but you can use your computer too — just make sure you label everything clearly so you can easily find it later when you add it into your site.

  1. Brand Identity
  2. Brand Imagery
  3. Website Copy

Create the following folders

Part one

Brand Identity/ Visual Branding

For this step, you’ll be gathering all of your brand assets — that’s things like your logos, font files and color palette.

If you have brand guidelines then you can use them to help you collect your content for your “Brand Identity” file. If you’re DIYing your branding and need some help, check out the resources below.

While I do recommend customizing your template to make it really feel like you, you can absolutely use the fonts and colors already used in your Wild Kind template if you like — the choice is yours 🙂.

Use the following checklist to help you gather everything:

  • Brand logos (use high-quality PNG files with a transparent background or SVG files for best results)
  • Font files (these will need to be in .woff format, unless you’re using Google fonts as Showit comes with these pre-installed)
  • Color palette hex codes
  • Any icons + design elements (e.g. textures and/or patterns)

Bonus trainings just for you

DIY Design Resources

Visual Branding 101

Video Training  |  Length: ~ 20 mins

Part two

Brand Imagery
& Graphics

Next up, it’s time to grab all of your photos + graphics and put them in your “Brand Imagery” file. You’ll also want to gather any other images you want to use on your site — so things like testimonial photos or any stock photos you’ll be using.

I find it helpful to break things down into 4 separate folders:

  • Brand photos
  • Stock photos
  • Testimonial photos
  • Other misc imagery

If you need some great stock photos, check out the resources below.

Where to find free stock photos that don’t suck:

Optimizing your images

Making sure your images are optimized helps increase your load time, which in turn helps your SEO and also provides an overall better experience for your potential clients.

To optimize your images, you’ll want to make sure they’re a max of 3500px on the long edge for horizontal images, and 1000-1500px for vertical images. Imageresizer.com has a really handy bulk image resizing tool that lets you resize multiple images at once.

Another helpful tool is tinyjpg.com which you can use to compress your images (reduce the file size) to help with page load times (and again, your SEO).

I recommend creating a separate folder called “Optimized Images” so you can keep track of which ones you’ll actually be uploading to your website.

Once you’ve downloaded your newly optimized images, it’s time to rename them for SEO purposes 👇🏻

Renaming your images for SEO

Search engines aren’t just crawling the text on your website for SEO keywords — they’re also crawling your images. So if you want Google to find your site and rank it higher, it’s important to rename your images.

For example, rather than "IMG_9823" (which won’t help you rank in search results), use more specific titles — like “life-coaching-strategist-london” to help your images be found in searches.

Part three

Website Copy

If you’re DIYing your website copy, my top tip for you is to keep it short. This is where I see most people make things much harder for themselves by writing too much.

All of our Wild Kind templates come with built in copy prompts that follow a sales framework, and part of the reason our templates are built to convert so well is to do with the length of the text boxes.

A tip for my fellow neurodivergent folks:
To organize your website copy, I highly recommend writing everything in a Google Doc FIRST, alongside your Showit template.

Not only does this make it much easier to know what needs to go where, but it also helps you manage your energy levels as it will help you avoid context switching.

Watch the video below (~ 5 mins) for an example of how to do this.

How to organize your website copy

Take a moment to check in

Building your website can be exciting but it’s important to take regular screen breaks. How are you feeling? Take a moment to drop your shoulders, relax your jaw and fill up your emotional support water bottle.

Feeling refreshed? Keep on scrolling — it’s about to get fun! 👇🏻

03 — Showit 101

Step 03

Learn how to use Showit

You’re almost ready to start adding all of your content into the back end of your new Showit template — but first, let’s go over some of the basics.

An overview of the Showit basics

Whether you’re new to Showit or just need a refresher, this is the best place to start — you’ll learn everything you need to know in under 30 minutes via the button below.

Once you’ve got a basic understanding of how Showit works, keep scrolling to watch the walkthrough video for your specific template. 👇🏻

Next up

Watch your Wild Kind template walkthrough

Pick your template from the list below and click to learn the things that are specific to your template.

The Arli Walkthrough

The Nola Walkthrough

The Sofi Walkthrough

04 — Customization

Step 04

Customize your template

Now that you’ve familiarized yourself with Showit, this is where you’ll be adding in all your content and start seeing your site come to life!

Part one

Add in your
fonts and colors

If you’ve been following the checklists on this page, you should already have your brand fonts and colors in a folder named “Brand Identity”. Now comes the fun part — it’s time to add them into the back end of your new template 🥳.

Under the ‘Site Style’ tab of your Design Settings, you’ll have the option to add up to 8 colors using your hex codes. Use the ‘Fonts’ tab to add your fonts, then click save before heading back to the ‘Site Style’ tab to select your fonts for the Title, Heading, Subheading, and Paragraph.

These settings are global settings, so when you change something here, it will automatically change your fonts and colors across your whole site.

Check out these Showit help docs for a more in-depth tutorial:

For best results:
When adding in your brand colors, work from darkest to lightest from left to right (i.e. replace the darkest color in the existing palette with your darkest color) to keep the contrast.

Part two

Add in your
own images

Next up, it’s time to add all of the images your collected earlier in your “Brand Imagery” file. This is where your site is going to start to look more like *you*!

I highly recommend adding folders to your Media Library in Showit so you can keep everything nice and organized.

Here are some of the folders I recommend starting off with:

  • Logos + Brand Assets
  • Site Images
  • Testimonial photos

Once you’ve uploaded your images to Showit, it’s time to swap out the existing photos in your template. To do that, just double click on an image to bring up your Media Library and select the image you want to swap it for, before hitting Save.

Check out these Showit help docs for background images + video:

Part three

Add in your website copy

By this point you should have all of your brand fonts and colors uploaded and you should have replaced/ added your own images. Now it’s time to add in all of your website copy!

Start by double-clicking the text box you want to change, then highlight the existing text and type/paste in your new copy.

You might find that some text boxes need resizing, but if you’ve followed along with the tips on this page, you’ll know that my biggest tip is to stick to the size of the text box. If you’ve done that then this step should be a breeze.

Make sure you check the mobile view as well, as the text boxes are sized slightly differently to desktop view.

Check out these Showit help docs:

Adding in your website copy might feel like the most time-consuming part BUT it will be so worth it. Everything you’re doing right now is bringing you one step closer to connecting with your ideal clients. Hang in there, you‘re almost done!

Part four

Add in any embed codes

Embed codes are things like your newsletter/ freebie sign up forms, Acuity/ Calendly embeds or anything similar.

Your template comes with placeholder embed code boxes that you can paste your code straight into, but if you need to create any new ones you can do that from the bottom panel. Just click on the square in the center and select the ‘Embed Code’ option.

Here’s a Showit tutorial to help you:

If you don’t already have an email list provider and are looking for a great one, I can highly recommend Flodesk.

Flodesk is my absolute favorite for a number of reasons:

  • It’s the easiest email platform to use for styling your forms so that they’re cohesive with your brand (you’ll need to code most of the other ones)
  • You pay one fixed price, no matter the size of your email list (something other platforms don’t offer)
  • It’s super user-friendly and comes with loads of free templates for you to start using straight away

If you do decide to give Flodesk a go, you can use my affiliate link to save 50% on your first year).

👆🏻 That link is an affiliate link which means I earn a commission if you purchase through my link (at no extra cost to you). I’m not sponsored and I only recommend tools I truly love and use in my own business.

05 — Pre-Launch Checks

Step 05

Check everything

Eeee, we’re almost there — this is where you’re going to go through and check everything before you get ready to launch your site to the world!

Use the following as a checklist to help you make sure everything looks (and works) as it should:


Link your buttons

Go through your whole site and check the button links using this help doc. Be sure to check the button shapes as well!


Check your navigation

If you’ve renamed any pages, go through and check all of the links in your Navigation — including the ones in your Footer and Mobile Pop Out Navigation.


Link your Social Media

All of the Social Icons in your template have been set up so that you just need to add your Social Media links under the “Site Settings” tab. Here’s a help doc for that. If you want to change any Social icons, now’s the time to do that.


Add page titles for SEO

Your page titles will help Google rank your site so take 10 minutes to go through and add a page title and meta description for each page. This help doc will explain how to do that in more detail.


Set up Google Analytics

If you want to track your site’s performance, you can set up a free Google Analytics account. Here’s a help doc to show you how to set it up and add it into your Showit site.


Test, test, test!

And then test some more! Once you’re happy with your site, hit the “Preview” button in the top right hand corner of Showit and make sure everything looks like you expect it to look.

Check your images are displaying correctly and hover your mouse over all of your links to make sure they’re linking to the correct pages (the link will appear in the bottom left corner of your screen when you hover).

06 — Launch

Step 06

Launch your site!

You made it! The hard part is over — follow the steps below and get ready to hit publish on your brand new sparkly website!

Get ready to launch your site!

Once you’re happy with your site design and you’ve tested everything, the only thing left for you to do is to connect your domain to your Showit site and celebrate 🍾!

Follow the instructions linked below to request your site setup with the Showit team. If your site has a coming soon page, you can publish to that first while you test your blog (if you have one).

The instructions in the links below from Showit will walk you through all of the steps from submitting your launch request to migrating or connecting a new blog:

Now it’s time to

Announce your site launch!

Congratulations 🎉! You’ve put in the hard work, and your website is finally live. But launching your site is just the beginning — now it’s time to tell everyone about your site so it can get the attention it deserves.

Bringing your audience along for the journey is a great way to build excitement and anticipation for your new site.

Here are a few ways you can do that:

  • Post on Instagram stories with a countdown to your launch day
  • Share a BTS of getting ready to launch your site on stories
  • Launch a freebie and direct people to sign up for it on your site
  • Email your list (if you have one) and announce it to them
  • Run a launch giveaway to draw more attention to your site (this is a great one for social media engagement!)
  • Create an engaging post that highlights some of your favorite things about your new site (get specific to make people more likely to click that link in bio)
  • Tag us on Instagram so I can feature you on our stories too!

Bonus alert!

Snag your free launch graphics

You’ve got a great website, now you just need a beautiful announcement graphic to match, right? I’ve got you covered with these free Canva launch graphic templates.

There are 9 different designs to choose from, with a post and story version available for each.

All you need to do is customize the graphics to match your branding, add in your website screenshots and you’ve got an eye-catching social media post ready to go! Don’t forget to tag us on Instagram as well so I can celebrate with you!

Just click the button below to get instant access 👇🏻.

A few more of my favorite

Tools & Resources


Loom is our go-to for recording
all of our support tutorials.


Use Coolors to help you find
inspiration for your color palette.


Canva helps you create on-brand
graphics for your business.


Use this to create the perfect
screenshot of your website.

ADHD Reader

A tool to make it easy to read
faster — great for blog posts!


Use this to see what fonts and
colors are in use on a website.

One last thing...

Thank you for choosing Wild Kind

As a small business owner, I genuinely do a little happy dance whenever I see that someone joined the Wild Kind tribe. It means the world to me that you’re here and I feel honored that you chose me to support you through it all.

Launching your website to the big wide world can be a scary thing, but you made it! You should be incredibly proud — you’re taking a big step towards your dreams.

I’m cheering you on every step of the way, and remember, if you ever need anything, I’m just an email away 🧡.
Rachel xo

Need more support?

Request a
Specific Tutorial

If you’ve worked through the tutorials on this page but you still need support with something specific, reach out. No question is too silly — I mean it when I say I’m here to support you!

Browse the
Showit Help Docs

The Showit Help Center is full of helpful tutorials if you get stuck with something. You can also chat with Showit Support by clicking the speech bubble in the bottom right of your Showit dashboard.

Join the Showit
Facebook Group

Become a “Showiteer” by joining the Showit User Facebook Group. Post your question in the group or use the search bar to see if your question has already been answered.

Suggest a New
Canvas Addition

If you think of something you’d love to see included in your template, let us know! Some of our previous customers have suggested things that we’ve ended up adding to our templates.

Perfectly Nineties Italic
Urbanist Italic
Urbanist Semi Bold

© Wild Kind 2024